Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In Memory of Trish 2

Here we are, officially two sleeps away from boarding a plane to head to the Bahamas to run a marathon to raise money for the Arthritis Society. While today really should have been a day of preparation and packing, it instead became a day of reflection for me as I was reminded of the very reason why I am running this marathon.

Katherine, Heather, Andrea and Kimberly are the reason why I am so passionate about raising funds and awareness for the Arthritis Society. Katherine was the catalyst that started this journey for me when I saw her life changed dramatically because of her arthritis. Through the Cayman Islands marathon which I ran in honour of Katherine in 2010, I met Heather, Andrea and Kim. My life was forever changed in the 5 days that we spent in the Caymans. I spent most of my time listening and wondering if I would be so brave in the face of having my body literally turn on itself and welcome the medications that have some very tragic consequences if I was faced with the same diagnosis. I hope that I would be as brave as these four beautiful women are. Not only are they my heroes but they are also mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters. They carry on with their lives with their heads held high in the face of the unknown. I am forever in awe of their grace.

Those of you who have been reading my blog over the past year might remember a post I did back in May 2012 about a member of Team Bahamas who would not be making the trip. Today we were sent an email about Trish 2 and as sad and upsetting as it is, it lights a fire in me that I will be drawing on while I'm hitting the tough spots in the marathon on Sunday. For those of you who haven't read that post, Trish 2 as she was called, was a member of Team Bahamas. She had lived with arthritis from the age of 8 years old, when she was diagnosed with juvenile onset rheumatoid arthritis until she passed away in May 2012 at the age of 36 from complications from her disease. Trish 2 was supposed to accompany us to the Bahamas as a cheer team member for those of us running or walking to raise money for arthritis. She will be missed by all of us and I will do my best to honour her on the 20th.

Trish 2 had exhausted all available medications on the market to treat her rheumatoid arthritis and was on the newest medication which was released in October 2011 when she passed away in May. As is the reality with those that live with this disease, medications only last so long before they run their course and there are only so many medications on the market that may or may not have an effect on treating someone with this disease. This is why programs like Joints in Motion are so important, to raise funds for much needed research and to raise awareness of how devastating this disease is. Rheumatoid arthritis is not a disease that old people get and it is not just some achy joints. It is truly a devastating disease that wreaks havoc on a person's entire immune system. Where the immune system effectively attacks healthy tissue and joints and eats them away. This is what causes the immense pain and the deformed joints and leads to joint replacements and other surgeries for those that live with the disease.

Today I was reminded of Trish 2, a beautiful, spirited woman that I never had the chance to meet. Whom was in the process of raising $4,900 for arthritis research when she passed away because of her disease. Whose answer to those that would ask her, "how many times do you expect us to donate to arthritis research?" Was a very spirited, "until they find a fucking cure!"

On Sunday January 20th I am running a marathon for Katherine, for Heather, for Andrea, for Kimberly and in memory of Trish 2. As much of a struggle as this trip has been for me I will never stop doing my part to raise funds for research and raising awareness for this disease because I would be utterly heartbroken if I ever lost one of the four beautiful women that I am honoured to call my friends. Thank you all for your support during this journey so far. I truly appreciate the kind words and the encouragement from all of you. I vow to Katherine, to Heather, to Andrea and to Kimberly that I will Never. Give. Up!

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