Sunday, September 19, 2010

I can't believe I actually fell running!

Well it was another busy week! I don't remember pushing myself this hard training for a marathon before so here's hoping that it will bring me to the Caymans ready to go. I also received my samples of the Epicure Triple Dip Sets this week - thanks Kelly! - so I had them out for tasting which went quite well.

This week for the first week I decided to try running before bootcamp on Tuesday to see if I could handle them both. Tuesday went OK though I was definitely feeling the lead weight of my legs near the end of bootcamp! Wednesday was my first hill training for this marathon and silly Lisa decided to go all out - and why not, it's not like I hadn't recovered from the night before... I need to apologize for anyone who had to witness me tossing my cookies at the top of Heritage on Wednesday night. In retrospect perhaps I should have taken it a tad easier then I did. Thursday was another repeat of Tuesday with a run before bootcamp and boy did I feel it on Thursday night!

Which brings me to today's run.... 23kms today and I actually tripped over a curb and bailed 17kms into it for the first time in my 6 year running "career". So embarrassing! Not only did I trip and fall, I did it at the busy corner of Johnston and Guildford in Coquitlam. AND it was one of those slow motion bails where the arms were flying trying to get my balance before hitting the very hard pavement with my hands, right knee and shoulder before rolling through it. I'm fairly certain that if you look hard enough you might actually be able to find it on YouTube later. I would also like to thank the two "gentlemen" who were there (one was walking across the street behind me and the other one was standing at the bus stop watching me) neither of whom moved to help me up OR ask if I was OK... How chivalrous!

On to the fundraising... I am still selling the Epicure Triple Dip sets so email me with your orders. Over the next month I'll also be handing out donation request letters to businesses for merchandise that I can sell at a pub night/silent auction that I will be holding in October (stay tuned for the date and further details). If any of you work for a company that does merchandise donations, please let me know and I will give you a letter for them. I would be grateful for your assistance with this! Thank you to all of you who donated and bought Epicure Dip Sets this week, we're now up to 80% of the $5,900 goal. Let's keep this going and fight arthritis together!

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