Monday, September 6, 2010

Rough week.... and there was blood!

What a week! This week brought a roller coaster of emotions from the runners highs to the low of learning that I will be heading to the Caymans without Katherine.

I received the unfortunate news this week that my friend Katherine will no longer be joining me in the Caymans in December. Sadly her Rheumatoid Arthritis is flaring up from the stress of fundraising (among other things) and so the decision was made that I will go solo. The main reason why I decided to start this journey was to help Katherine and others who are living with the pain of arthritis and thus I am dedicated to raising this money now more than ever and training my butt off so I can cross that finish line with my head held high.

Not only am I training for a marathon, I'm also doing some cross training by doing bootcamp (booty as it's affectionately called) twice a week to get stronger and hopefully run this marathon under my 4:30 personal best. Booty started again this past Thursday and after a month off I definitely felt it. Let's just say that sitting was a bit of an issue on Friday and Saturday, but who doesn't love the two-day hurt! My long run this past week was 16km and I did the tri-cities route from Port Moody, through Coquitlam into Port Coquitlam and back. It was walking back to my house from the long run that I drew blood. I don't know many people that can take a gouge out of their shin by stepping on a seemingly flat stick on the side of the road but that is exactly what happened... It basically jumped up a bit me. Evil stick.

This week will be another busy one; we are still selling the Epicure Dip Sets so email me with your orders! Training kicks it up a notch with two bootcamp sessions and 19km is my long run this week. I will be running my long run up on the Sunshine Coast this week so if you'll be up there come join me along the Gibsons to Sechelt portion of the highway.

Lastly and most importantly - thank you to everyone who donated this past week either by ordering an Epicure Triple Dip Set or by donating on our website. You've brought us up to 73% of the $5,900 goal!

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