Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You don't want to miss this.... It's gonna go viral!

I will be running a marathon with Joints in Motion on December 5, 2010 in the Cayman Islands to raise money for the Arthritis Society. What better way to keep you all up to date on my fundraising shenanigans and training woes than to start a weekly blog. I can't guarantee that any of it will be grammatically correct, but I will be honest with my fundraising goals and struggles and share the gory details that go into training for a marathon – chafing and all! There may be blood (one never knows what a run may hold - or fundraising for that matter), there will definitely be sweat, there has already been tears, but most importantly there will be that oh-so-vital element in my life – LAUGHTER! Send the link to this blog to your friends, family and co-workers (especially if they are living with Arthritis) and join me on this journey to raise money for the Arthritis Society and the 4.5 million Canadians that are living with Arthritis.

On that note, please allow me to give you a mini tour of my blog...

Down the left side you will see a picture - that's me for those of you who don't know me, I will probably update this picture on a fairly regular basis so you don't get bored. In the middle section I will keep you up to date with the current and upcoming fundraisers and my weekly training schedule. Please contact me at any time should you have any questions, if you're looking for more details on the fundraising events, if you're interested in joining me for a run or even a portion of my Sunday long run, the company would be appreciated!

Down the right side you will find the link to my Joints in Motion fundraising page - clicking on this link will bring you to my donation page where you can make an online donation, track my fundraising progress by watching the thermometer and you will also find the story on what prompted me to do what I can to make a difference in the lives of others.

As some of you know, I just made a major technological step last week when my 2004 celly finally bit the dust and I was forced to "upgrade" to a BlackBerry - OK, it was free but I still have no idea how to use 75% of the features. Point being, be gentle with me as I learn about this whole blogging business - it's quite advanced for a girl who's feeling lost without her flip phone.

Though the fundraising started last December - the true journey begins now that the training has started. Let's do this!

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